Senin, 19 September 2011

Kreasi seni dari tusuk gigi

Karya yang berjudul ‘Rolling Through the Bay’ ini juga mempunyai salah satu fungsi yang unik, dimana bila sebuah bola ping pong dijatuhkan di atasnya, maka bola tersebut akan bergulir melewati replika Alcatraz, Fisherman Wharf, Jembatan Golden Gate dan landmark San Francisco lainnya.
Model bangunan menakjubkan ini dimulai ketika Weaver membangun replika korek api dari Jembatan Golden Gate dan Lombard Street. Dia mulai mengulirkan bola pingpong pada kedua replika tersebut dan kemudian memutuskan untuk menambah fitur baru.
In all its glory: Rolling Through the Bay by Scott Weaver is nine foot tall and contains more than 100,000 matchsticks. It features a number of marble runs that take ping pong balls on 'tours' of the city

Incredible detail: The huge sculpture features the trademark houses of San Francisco, left, and the Palace of Fine Arts, right, which contains a model of artist Scott Weaver's heart made from matchsticks thrown by guests at his wedding instead of confetti
Incredible detail: The huge sculpture features the trademark houses of San Francisco, left, and the Palace of Fine Arts, right, which contains a model of artist Scott Weaver's heart made from matchsticks thrown by guests at his wedding instead of confetti
Remarkable: Scott Weaver's nine feet tall, eight feet wide autobiographical sculpture that contains 103, 987 toothpicks
hich took 34 years to make 
Work in progress: Weaver is still adding features to the model, which has only been seriously damaged once by his pet Great Dane
Work in progress: Weaver is still adding features to the model, which has only been seriously damaged once by his pet Great Dane

Setelah 34 tahun dan tiga ribu jam kerja kemudian, jadilah model yang sangat menakjubkan ini.
Hasik karya Scott ini telah bertahan dari gempa dan empat kali pindah rumah, dengan kerusakan yang paling serius disebabkan oleh hewan peliharaan Scott yang mengancurkan Fisherman Wharf dengan babatan ekornya.

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